About me

♥Jolyn ♥

Good day pumpkins! If you don't like pumpkins I am sorry. But please don't hate me. I used it cause it sounds cute LOL 

My name is Jolyn and I am a girl  dont slap me  I am passionate about sharing my thoughts and life through blogging and I hope you enjoy reading it too!

I started this blog due to curiosity on 2010 and started posting nonsense since then. If you read posts from the day I started you wouldn't understand a thing because it is all secret messages I wanted to tell my friends and now I think it's ridiculous lol Hey, dont judge me. Those are the past trends at least i think it's a trend  that students like me used to do haha Old days people, Old days~

I named my blog Jolynlynjjo because Jolyn is my name and Lynjjo came from twitter. I don't like having unrelated numbers in my username so I came out with an Initial Lynjjo that no one will every use. clever hor? So, this basically sums up why I use Jolynlynjjo. But please do call me Jolyn or Jo instead of Lynjjo cause erm It will be weird. 

I love puppies, flowers, pastel colors, shoes, sweaters, jackets, skirts and dresses. I enjoy talking and chatting with nice and friendly people, spending time with family, friends and my doggie, shopping, imagining scenarios that has probably -10% of coming true. 

I am an expert at being blur and indecisive. And an advanced expert in being messy oh and also making up new words HAHAHA

I don't dislike insects but I will be terrified when I see them.

My on-off love for photography has haunted me ever since I start using a camera. This pushes me backwards in the photography word and I am so envious of people who can take nice photos effortlessly. I am also very lazy when it comes to learning how to edit photos mainly because it is very time consuming but I will still try my best to learn the basics and give you the best vision-enjoyment ever! HAHHAHA I will try my best la. Who don't like looking at pretty photos? Not me and also not you LOL 

I love reading also. Books and blogs are my favorites. So please kindly recommend me some nice books and blogs haha Very much appreciated! :) Travelling, chocolates, dreaming, rainbow are all my favorites. I

I want to go out and have some fun. The world is so big and I know I can't live living in a small box everyday. I want to go out and meet nice and friendly people all around the world and learn different things everyday. I want to tell people that I live life to the fullest and I really hope I can do it! 

I am a lemon-addict. I don't drink water, I drink only lemon water. Unless I'm in other people's house, or the restaurant doesn't provide this kind of service, all kinds of lemon-less reasons la. haha Lemons has such great health benefit, I honestly think you should try it too, just cut a few piece of lemon and throw it in your water bottle, or you can choose to sqeeze it, it works too. 

I absolutely, undoubtedly love reading or listening to other people real life story. This is also why Zoella and Pointless Blog are my favorite youtuber! They are my inspiration of spreading positivity and energy and everything beautiful to people all around the world!!

A hidden fact of me or maybe a-not-hidden-anymore fact of me is I can be the most self-obsessed person you'll ever know at this second and the next second I will be the most depressed about everything person you'll ever know.

Okay. I wanted to type few sentence before starting this post but ended up typing a lot more than a few sentence. 

Thank you for reading btw haha

Have a nice day and stay happy!