Monday, May 14, 2012

Mothers' Day celebration

Short post here because I gotta study about my Chinese class test tomorrow.

Yesterday was Mothers' Day and eveybody knows it. LOL Everyone was like posting about Mothers' Day, but I DIDN'T which I kindda feel guilty about it. I didn't even take a photo with my mum wtf Actually I did, but it turns blur, dark and some other technical problems. Okay, technology hates me -.-

Went to Moon Palace

This place very funny one. Normally these kind of restaurant got their own tissue, their own plate, chopstickes and stuff like that. But this one don't have. They just use normal chopstick without the restaurant name on it =OOO

The food there quiet okay larh. But my parents and those grown ups said it's delicious, especially my mum. Service there normal. The only thing that it's funny is they play the same music over and over again. Thousand Years ___Christina Perri and You're the apple of my eye __ Hu Xia -.- 

Grandmama Grandpapaa :)

While I'm waiting for the food.


If you have nighmare tonight. I'm not responsible for it lollollolol Sometimes I wonder why my WHOLE, seriously WHOLE family has double eye lid and I don't have. Mother's side, Father's side also same one. I'm the only one who has one eye lid, NOT double. But it's okay larh actually, at least I have a nose and a mouth, and a pair of eyes and ears. :) Thanks to my mommmyyy and dadddyyy and granpapa. They took great care of me these few years. :)

Owh, almost forgot. 

All huge head. and they got double eye lid one!!!!! Not I lie. They got one!! This angle can't see only :P

And I forgot to post about the day I went to watch Avengers!! I HAVE to post it because it's a incredibly awesome movieee!!!! (Y) #Thumbsup


It's abit too late to talk about Avengers but nahhh I'm still going to talk about it. Normally those fighting fighting movie all only about fighting. but this one it isn't like that! There's some humorous scene in it one! The little boy who sat next to my dad laugh untill so cute lol Even my dad laughed. He usually don't laugh or even smile but this time he laughed O.O You can see how nice this movie is.

Highly Highly Highly recommend you to watch this!!!! (Y) It's about 2 hours. Not too short not too long. :)

Okay. That's all. It turns out I used alot of time typing this lol That's all. 

Byebye! :D