Friday, June 1, 2012

June :)

As You can see, It's the first day of June. :) Welcome June 2012! :D


Changed my phones wallpaper :3

Starting to panic about the Penang trip lol First time go to Penang with school friends. First time go far out to participate in this competition. First time go Penang with Victoria. lol still got alot of first time... First time say so many first time lol wtf STOP!

#breath Keep thinking about the what ifs at night, on the bed lol. What if I'm sick during in these 3 days? What if I played out of tune? What if everything went wrong? wth -.-

Okay, WISH WISH WISH everything will be good, very good! :D

Going to have brunh with Uncle Ong tomorrow. Uncle Chia whole family went to Japan last Saturday, AGAIN! Y U NO BRING ME GO ALSO?! T___T

Have a wonderful, colourful, amazing, extraodinary June! :)